DONATE by Credit Card or Check or ZELLE®

Engage Explore Empower

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Childrens Theatre Foundation is a 501(c)(3), tax deductible charity.
End of Year Donations must be postmarked or received (if charged) by the end of the calendar year, December 31st, to be accounted in that tax year.
Office of the Treasurer of CTFA, Kassie Misiewicz, 452 SW B Street, Bentonville, AR 42712
Photo: Courtesy of Dallas Children’s Theatre, Vickery Meadows, Photo by: Linda Blase
LEARN More about CTFA’s exciting giving options.
CREDIT CARD: Charges are processed through PayPal's secure charge-processing server.
You may choose to Donate with a bank card Debit or Credit Card
(white button) or choose PayPal's Charge, which also accepts Venmo.
Monthly Donor Gift option is also available.

CLICK the "Donate" button below to begin processing your charge. You will then be able to CHOOSE charging on a Pay Pal card OR your bank card (Visa, MC, Discover, etc.).
MESSAGE for CTFA on CHARGE SITE: Be sure to include any special messages about your donation in the "MESSAGE for CTFA" space, just below your donation amount online or you may send CTFA an eMessage with Special Messages of In Memory… or In Honor… designations.
In Memory or In Honor designation CARDS: Please include names with address, if you wish for CTFA to send a card to the honoree or family.

Once your charge process is complete, you will receive an
emailed RECEIPT from PayPal (processing company) showing you donated to Childrens Theatre Foundation.

Thank You for your donation to Childrens Theatre Foundation of America - CTFA

Donate by ZELLE®
Donate by ZELLE using your personal ZELLE® app or using the ZELLE® link through your online connection to your personal bank account.
To direct payments to Childrens Theatre Foundation of America, CTFA’s ZELLE address is
Donate by CHECK
Donate by Check
To DONATE to the Childrens Theatre Foundation of America and the good work done in support of theatre for children and youth.
Check payable to: Childrens Theatre Foundation - CTFA
Mail to:
Office of the Treasurer of CTFA, Kassie Misiewicz, 452 SW B Street, Bentonville, AR 42712
Designated Giving: Please include a note if this gift is designated towards special funding for Corey Medallion Patron, Robertson Teachers Award and/or if you wish to have your gift "In Honor…” or "In Memory…” of someone.
In addition to including that recognition on CTFA’s website, we will mail a letter to the individual or family, recognizing your Memorial or Honoring gift, if you give provide the address and name(s).
Optional Designated Giving Form: (You may DOWNLOAD a form for listing designation(s) to mail with your donation)

Thank you!